Updated Guild Meeting Schedule
Based on the 2025 budget, reviewed by our members, there are changes to upcoming TPCAG meetings:
Based on the 2025 budget, reviewed by our members, there are changes to upcoming TPCAG meetings:
Our annual members only retreat, Chilly Clay Days is scheduled for February 1 & 2, 2025. We will have two guest artist demos over the weekend, off the cuff demos, claying, food, and fun.
On January 4, Tucson-based member Laura LePere will lead us in creating flowing trinket dishes.
Save the date! Our annual members only retreat, Chilly Clay Days is scheduled for February 1 & 2, 2025.
Join us for our December meeting on December 7. LeMoyne will be open between 945-10 AM. Zoom will start at 10:30 AM and the demo will begin at 11 AM. Zoom info will be sent to members on Friday, December 6. If you have a friend that would like to join us and check out…
Click on an image to view in a larger window. Below is the supplies list for our December 7 demo by Maurine Kramerich. Luminary Materials List Clay for translucent cone: translucent clay 2-4 oz. ————————————————————————————- Clay for opaque color cone: interior white clay 2-4 oz., any color clay for exterior 2-4 oz. Canes: can be…