Merry Month of May, Jumping June, and Joyous July
Big thanks to Cindy for being the Head Honcho at our meeting this past Saturday. The video is uploaded to our Vimeo channel and members can log in to the website and get the link from our Videos page. Reports are that a good time was had by all. Please email pictures of your finished work. The lovely pendant below was created by our own Ellen.

IMPORTANT: If you think that you haven’t received the monthly zoom info, please check your spam folder or maybe trash in case you accidentally deleted it.
If you still don’t have it, please text or call Barb. Do not email the morning of the meeting as I cannot guarantee a timely response.
June Meeting
Kris Shotts will be leading the demo at our meeting June 1, 2024. Details coming soon!
Upcoming Meetings
Cindy has graciously offered to take over as Demo Coordinator, so please contact her to volunteer your time to demo for our guild. We all have knowledge to share, and we will set up Zoom practice sessions with you if you’re nervous about that aspect of the process.
- July 6 Meeting: Demo Needed
- August 3 Meeting: Demo Needed
- Clay-bor Day Retreat, August 31 – September 2: We need long-format programs (90 – 120 min) for Saturday and Sunday of the Retreat. It would be nice to have a short-format program for the same days as well.
- Please volunteer to demo OR contact Cindy with ideas for guest artists we could invite to demo for us.
- Remember, we only Zoom for the Saturday and Sunday meetings; Monday is 100% open studio.