Take a Hike, Helene!

AI generated image of a stormy day at sea with an image of a woman

Hopefully all our members in Helene’s path are safe and sound after the storm.

Our Next Meeting

The Guild’s next meeting is Saturday, October 5. Doors open for setup around 930 AM; Zoom will start around 1030 AM.

In person folks will gather at LeMoyne Art Education Center and our remote members will join us via Zoom. Please RSVP.

Unfortunately, the scheduled Hallowe’en themed demo with Kris is postponed. Barb is working on a demonstration showing a variety of surface coatings and their best use on polymer. Past that, it will be open clay day with show & tell, impromptu demos, etc.

Upcoming Meetings

  • November 9: Rose canes with Bettye
  • December 7: Open
  • January 4: Open
  • February 1 & 2: Chilly Clay Retreat (Demos Needed)

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