
Updated Guild Meeting Schedule

Based on the 2025 budget, reviewed by our members, there are changes to upcoming TPCAG meetings:

  • Meetings will be changing to alternate Zoom and in person meetings.
  • The Clay-Bor Day Retreat will be reduced to two days, with demos on Saturday only.
    • Lunches will be potluck or brown-bag
  • As no-one has stepped forward to take on the Demo Coordinator role, we need members to volunteer for a demo OR find a demo for their assigned month. Reserve a month now!
    • If there isn’t a demo for a Zoom month, the meeting will be canceled.
    • If there isn’t a demo for an in-person meeting month, we will only rent the Studio if 5 or more members RSVP.

Note: When our membership numbers reverse and we grow, we will be able to extend the Retreat and/or hold more in-person meetings.

We are grateful to LeMoyne Art Education for allowing us to continue storing our oven and coffee supplies in the Studio space. Please support LeMoyne with a membership or donation. Did you know we’re mentioned on their website?

2025 Schedule

Please visit our Event calendar to RSVP for meetings.

DateMeeting FormatDemo
March 1, 2025ZoomPatricia: Translucent Clay Bowls
April 5, 2025In Person
May 3, 2025Zoom
June 7, 2025In PersonEllen: Secret Garden Brooch
JulySkipped due to Independence Day Holiday
August 2, 2025Zoom
Clay-Bor Day Retreat (August 30 & 31, 2025)In Person
October 4, 2025Zoom
November 1, 2025In Person
December 6, 2025In Person

JoAnn Restructuring Update

JoAnn Stores announced the closure of 500 stores as part of their restructuring agreement. I’m pleased to see that our local Tallahassee store is not on the list. For those readers out of the area, please visit this page to learn if your local store is affected.

Retreat Report

Look for a Chilly Clay Retreat Report in the Next Newsletter

Remember to send your pictures to Barb!

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