egyptian symbols

New Location for April Meeting (No Fooling)

LeMoyne Art Education has moved into their new building at 131 North Gadsden Street, and as such, our meetings will be taking place at the new location. As you can see from the map below, the entrance to the parking lot is the second right between North Meridian and North Gadsden. You will go past the brick buildings; the parking lot AND door to our meeting space is on the left. If the lot is full, on street parking on Gadsden is available, and you can walk down the ramp on the north side of the building to access the lower level. There is no elevator in the building.

There has been an increase in rent, but that is to be expected. We are still being given a very generous discount on the rental AND they will continue to offer storage space for our oven and supplies. More details on the agreement when we meet on Saturday.

Meeting Details

  • Room opens around 10 AM on Saturday April 1 (I cannot get the key prior to 10 AM)
  • Zoom will begin around 10:30 AM and the demo will start around 11 AM
  • We need to have the oven cooled off and put away by 2:30 PM and lock up by 3 PM
  • Zoom info will be mailed to members on Friday afternoon; nonmembers can email me to attend up to two meetings prior to joining.
  • Coffee service will be available. Barb will bring half & half; let her know if you can bring a jug of filtered water.
  • Bring you own coffee cup and/or cold drink cup (and its contents) plus lunch. There is a refrigerator available for our use.
  • If possible, please RSVP so we know how many are attending.

The Springtime Tallahassee Parade begins at 10:30 AM, so plan travel time accordingly as there will be detours. It would be best to approach LeMoyne from the east.

Walk Like an Egyptian with Ellen

Which is to say, Ellen’s going to demo polymer scarabs for the April meeting. Ellen sez….

This is an easy project in case you have a terminal case of spring fever.

The only thing you might consider doing ahead of time is making a platform to form the scarab on. That’s just for giving it a texture/image on its bottom. I’ve impressed Egyptian style images on about 2”x3” pieces of clay that are thick enough to be sturdy. With me, nothing’s exact. You can use anything flat that’ll fit in your hand easily.

I’ll be using black clay, a needle tool, a skewer that’ll put a hole through it, mica powders/acrylic paint, and any sort of texture tools that will work on something small.

The Egyptians were making these for thousands of years so, although there’s a basic design, there’s a lot of variation. You might like to type Scarabs into Google images. Grab a cup of coffee first; there’re lots of ‘em.

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